The 30th anniversary of Reno-therm GmbH!

The 30th anniversary of Reno-therm GmbH!

Since November 1984, when the company was founded by the former partners Lilli Hofmann, Claudio Hofmann and Peter Thommen, Renotherm GmbH developped to a solid enterprise.

The anniversary was celebrated in private athmosphere at the Rebenhof in the southern part of Styria together with employees and founders.

CEO Claudio Hofmann took the opportunity to thank his guest for the efforts and the work done during the passed 30 years:

„In the middle of every relationship, even a business relashionship, stands the person; only if people learn to treat each other respectfully, a relationship leads to success.“

Frau Drexler (Chefin des Rebenhofs) bei der Übergabe einer erlesenen Weinflasche vom Weingut Rebenhof in Ratsch an der Weinstraße (Südsteiermark) an Herrn Claudio Hofmann.
Mrs. Drexler (Manager of the Rebenhof) hands out one of the best bottles of the Rebenhof winary to Mr. Claudio Hofmann.
Herr Claudio Hofmann, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Renotherm GmbH
Mr Claudio Hofmann, CEO
Typische südsteirische Stimmung
Typical athmosphere in southern Styria
mag.Julia_hofmann- Rechnungswesen und Controlling Fa. Renotherm
Ms. Julia Hofmann (finance, controlling)
nicolas_hofmann Verkauf, Kundenbetreuung, Technik Fa. Renotherm
Mr. Nicolas Hofmann (sale, customer relations, technics)
Frau Lilli Hofmann (Administration) und Herr Claudio Hofmann
Mrs. Lilli Hofmann (administration) und Mr. Claudio Hofmann

Profifotograf Prim. Doz. Dr. René Wenzel mit seiner Frau Angelika
The professional photographer Prim. Doz. Dr. René Wenzel with his wife Angelika
The Wenzel family, mentors from the beginning
Stephen und Francesca Butterworth auf der Jubiläumsfeier der Fa. Renotherm Salzburg
Stephen and Francesca Butterworth, mentors from the beginning
Reno-therm Salzburg feiert Ihr 30 Jähriges Jubiläum im Weingut Rebenhof in Ratsch an der Weinstraße
Cosy athmosphere under the nut tree.

photo: © rené r. wenzel 2014 -